Help In Need

+255 689 524 998

Mon-Fri: 10am-5pm

Working Hours

Specific Cause Donation

You can chose specific cause which you want to support and you want your donation to go.It could be on building and renovating  toilets, building classes and renovation of classrooms, buying wheelchairs for disabled ,buying stationaries, clothing, infrastructures ,sanitary pads.You can chose any of the corse that you want to support. Just make sure to put a note of the course you want to support when filling out your information.

General Education Donation

If you want to support any of the causes or you are just not sure where you donation should go, or you just don't want to focus on specific ,you want your donation to go to any of the cause and fill where there is a gap ,then you don't have to put any specific comment it will go to general by  default


We Help More Than 1k Children Every Year

You believe, as we do, that every child deserves a future. Every last child.


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